is a ministry of Jason White. If you’d like to say “thank you” for the content Jason is creating, click here to buy him a coffee.

About me…

I love talking about the new covenant, grace, and union with Christ. Understanding my identity and the new creation I am in Jesus has transformed my life, and I want everyone to see how these truths can change their lives as well.

After playing high school and college tennis, I started a career in teaching and coaching at the high school from which I graduated. It was an incredible experience. Jesus blessed me with many great relationships with students and families, but eventually He called me into vocational ministry.

I went back to school and earned a Master of Divinity while serving as a Youth Pastor for several years. I now serve as the Lead Pastor at Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Tyler, TX. It is a great group of people who love Jesus and are passionate about life in Christ.

I am married to the love of my life and have 2 amazing children. They bring me so much joy. My hobbies include bass fishing, golf, and I’ve recently gotten into running. I have run one half marathon and two full marathons so far, and I am hoping to run more!

Now that you’ve gotten to know a little bit about me, I hope that I’ll have a chance to connect with you and learn more about what Jesus is up to in your life as well! Please reach out as you have time!

And if you live in the Tyler area, come join me for worship at Colonial Hills!