Grace-based biblical teaching and sermons that focus on Life in Christ and practical application as New Covenant believers.
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Below are a few highlighted podcast episodes, but you can access all of the episodes here

Identity: You are Completely Forgiven
In Christ you are completely forgive of all your past, present, and future sins! There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

Identity: You Are a Saint
Many people believe they are a sinner saved by grace, but your true identity is a saint who sometimes sins. There is a huge difference between the two!

Identity: You are a Child of God
At the core of your identity in Christ is being made into a child of God. You share His spiritual DNA. You are his beloved.

Identity: You Are New in Christ
Until you believe your true identity based on who God says you are, you’ll never be able to truly live and experience the new creation you’ve become in Christ.