Advent Season Peace

Last week, as we began the Advent season, I was so excited.  My wife turned the inside of our house into a Hallmark Christmas card while I gave it my best Clark Griswold attempt at hanging up the lights on the outside.  It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. 

I was so thrilled to be entering into the Christmas season, but then… I went to Walmart.  It was during the day in the middle of the week and the parking lot was full.  I thought, “Why in the world are there so many people here at this time of day?”  And then it hit me, it’s Christmas season!

Something switched for me in that moment.  I went from peace to panic.  From rest to unrest.  From festive to frustration.  My neck muscles tensed up, I began to grit my teeth, and my mind began to race. 

I thought of all the shopping I needed to do.  What does everyone want?  What am I going to get them?  When I figure it out, are stores even going to have it in stock?  How much is all of this going to cost anyway?  Have we saved enough for all of this?

Panic.  Stress.  A complete lack of peace in that moment.

If you aren’t there yet, most likely you’ll be there soon.  Aside from the shopping, there’s all the parties to attend, the school pageants you can’t miss, the goodies to bake, and the list goes on and on.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like “the most wonderful time of year” (as the song says) but rather THE MOST STRESSFUL TIME OF YEAR! 

And it’s not just the busyness either - it’s the family stress, the relational strife, the conflict around the world, or the cancer that you or a loved one are fighting throughout the holidays.

There can just be so much unrest during this time of year.  So much anxiety, conflict, and stress.  So much sadness and loneliness.  Such a lack of peace.


When faced with such a lack of peace in our lives during the holiday season, most of us resort to one of two options.  We either medicate or we try to control our circumstances. 

Alcohol, prescription drugs, pornography, or even binge-watching Netflix series can help numb the stress, our emotions, or our lack of peace for at least a little while.  Except when the effects wear off, not only is the lack of peace still there, but there’s the added guilt and shame or maybe even an addiction that you might have to deal with now. 

Trying to control our circumstances doesn’t usually end up putting us in a better position either though.  We work tirelessly to create the perfect environment for our parties and family get-togethers. We need to make sure everyone gets along. But someone still lodges a complaint or starts an argument or picks a fight. 

We buy everyone what they want for Christmas, so they’ll like us. We assume it will fix our problems. But when the emotional attachment to the gifts wears off, the relational issues are still there. On top of that, we have the added stress of the financial debt hanging over our heads.

We can’t numb our way to true peace. 

We can’t manufacture peace either. 

So, how do we find peace?


In Isaiah 9:6, which is a prophetic passage about Christmas, Jesus is mentioned as the Prince of Peace. 

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Evidently, peace is not found in our situations or circumstances but in a Person, and His name is Jesus.

After Jesus was born into this world, grew up, and started His earthly ministry, we are told this in John 14:17 as Jesus was headed to the cross:

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Notice whose peace it is.  Jesus said, MY PEACE I give to you.  He is peace.  And He even says here that peace is something that He will give to us. 

He gives you and me peace because Jesus gives Himself to us.  We receive the Prince of Peace into our lives and enter a spiritual union with Him the moment we put our faith and trust in Him for salvation.

If you have Jesus in your life, you have peace.  Your ultimate peace comes from being reconciled to God through Him.

You were alienated from and an enemy of God because of sin (Colossians 1:21), but Jesus made peace through his blood shed on the cross and brought reconciliation between you and God (Colossians 1:19-20).


Now, just because you have peace in Jesus doesn’t mean you won’t still have problems.  In John 16:33 Jesus says,

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Conflict will remain.  You and others you love will still get sick.  There will be stress. 

But Jesus says that in Him, you will have peace.  It is possible to have everything in your life or all around you falling apart but still have deep, inner rest.


This is the second week of Advent, and the focus this week is Peace.  As you walk through this week and this entire Advent season, don’t fall for the traps of trying to numb your stress or trying to manufacture peace in your life. 

Focus on Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and rest deeply in Him.

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Advent Season Love


Advent Season Hope