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Because of the Cross, You Died to the Power of Sin

In this Easter blog series, we are focusing on our co-crucifixion with Christ and what all we died to when we died with Him.

In the previous post, we saw that because of the cross, you died.  You were crucified with Christ.  Your old self, the one in Adam, died.  That’s good news.  It means that you don’t have to die to yourself to become something you are not. 

Today, I want to discuss one of the things you died to when you died with Christ.


When you were crucified with Christ, your sin nature was crucified as well.  This is what the apostle Paul taught in Romans 6:6-7.

6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin —

7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.

You inherited a sin nature.  Having a sin nature didn’t mean that you couldn’t do anything good at all, but it did mean that you were by nature a sinner. That nature was going to produce sins in your life.

In order to be able to be in union with a holy and perfect God and to produce fruit of eternal value, He had to kill that nature and give you a new nature.

Sin is no longer your master.  It is no longer part of you at the spirit level.

You have new wants and new desires that God has given you in Christ.


But sin is still in this world, and Satan will tempt you to sin from time to time.  He will try to deceive you into thinking that your sin nature is still very much intact.  He will try to convince you that it is part of who you are and that you don’t have a choice. 

That is why it becomes so important to know what has truly happened to you.

Just because you have thoughts or feelings that seem to indicate that you really want to do what Satan is tempting you with does not mean that you really want to do them.  When you understand that you died to the power of sin, you can recognize Satan’s lies and renew your mind to the truth that you don’t really want to do what he is tempting you to do.

Because of the cross, you died to the power of sin and live from a place of victory in this world.

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Since we died with Christ, our sin nature is gone…When you discover that you died with Christ on the cross, you have the potential to experience unbelievable freedom from sin; however, that freedom is not automatic.  There is a key to laying hold of that freedom.  You have to believe that you have died to sin and that you are a brand-new person.  You have to believe that sin is no longer your master and that it has no power over you anymore.

Frank Friedman

(Stunned by Grace)

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