Blog Posts
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
(Colossians 3:2)
Because of the Cross, You Died to Yourself as Your Source
Before you came to know Christ, you were the source of your life. It was up to you to earn an identity and produce meaning and purpose in your life. When you were crucified with Christ though, He became the Source for your life!
Because of the Cross, You Died to the Law
Your old self was crucified with Christ, and when you died, you died to the Law. You have been released from the bondage of the Law, and you now live in the new way of the Spirit.
Because of the Cross, You Died to the Power of Sin
When Jesus died on the cross and you were crucified with Him, you died to the power of sin. You no longer have a sin nature! If you walk by faith that this is true (which it is), you’ll experience the victory over sin that was purchased for you at the cross.
Because of the Cross, You Died
When Jesus died on the cross, you died with Him. Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live.” Knowing this truth will help us truly experience Christ in us and through us.
Palm Sunday and Missing Jesus
Palm Sunday seemed to be a day that people were recognizing Jesus for who He truly was, but a closer look reveals they were really missing it. Many of us are missing who Jesus really is as well.
Book Review: The Rest of the Gospel by Dan Stone and David Gregory
At one point in my life, I was struggling with the grace message and the things the Lord was beginning to reveal to me. But then I read this book, and the lights came on for me which changed my life!
When was the New Covenant Established?
Was the New Covenant established at Jesus’ birth or at His death and why does it matter? Well, it makes all the difference when studying the words of Jesus and how they apply to us today!
Best Books on Grace
The best books on grace tell the full gospel message. They communicate that we receive complete forgiveness in Christ, that we died with Him and have been made alive in Him. Here are 10 of the best books that tell the full gospel message of grace.
In this blog post, I explore the differences between the Old Covenant and New Covenant. Understanding these differences has changed my life and the way I live the Christian life, and I think it will do the same for you.
Why is the New Covenant such a Big Deal?
What is the big deal about the New Covenant? Because if we try to live our lives according to the Old Covenant we will be met with frustration, failure, and fear. The Christian life will not work.
3 Powerful Lessons in The Parable of the Prodigal Son
The Parable of the Prodigal Son may be the most famous parable that Jesus told, but don’t miss these 3 powerful lessons that can make a real difference in your walk with God.
Measuring Your Life
I hear popular Christian speakers talk all the time about measuring how we are living the Christian life. But Paul has some strong words for this kind of thing in Colossians 3. The bottom line is that you don’t have to measure how you are doing to determine success in the Christian life.
Parable of the Wedding Feast Meaning
The Parable of the Wedding Feast has to do with honor, respect, status, and significance. Jesus says that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, but those who humble themselves will be exalted. What did He mean by that?
6 Truths About Christian Suffering
This life can be cruel sometimes. Cancer, divorce, chronic pain, abuse, bankruptcy, death, and so much more can plague us. We wonder why these things happen. Why me? Why my loved ones?
Learning to Forgive
Forgiving others can be hard. When we get hurt by someone, we want them to hurt. We want them to suffer because they made us suffer. But holding on to unforgiveness will tear us apart. We must learn to forgive, and Jesus teaches us how in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.
Believe and Repent?
Pastors and teachers will often say that you have to repent from your sins in order to be saved.
But is it true? Do you have to repent from your sins to become a true Christian?
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke 15 shows us that, 1. Sinners are lost, 2. Sinners are lost, but not forgotten, 3. Sinners are lost, but valued, and 4. Sinners are lost, but searched for by God Himself. Lost people are valued in the Kingdom of God.
The “One Thing”
In the movie, City Slickers, one of the characters named Curly is always mysteriously holding up one finger. Curly does this to show that life is really only about one thing. He’s wrong in what he says that one thing is, but he’s right that life is really only about one thing. It’s about Jesus. Jesus is our Life. I’ve know people who know Christ as their Lord and Savior, but I don’t know very many who know Him as their life. Do you know Christ as your life?
Parable of the Sower Meaning
I’ve always been told that the 2nd and 3rd soils in the Parable of the Sower are not true believers, but is that true? Find out the true meaning of the Parable of the Sower or what is sometimes called the Parable of Soils.
Confession of Sin
Is it true that we need to confess our sins to be forgiven and to retain our fellowship with God? Keeping a log of your sins, constantly confessing, and being fearful of fellowship with God doesn’t sound like abundant life (John 10:10) to me. It doesn’t sound like the freedom Paul said Jesus provides (Galatians 5:1). That’s the opposite of freedom. So, what is the truth about confession of sin?