Blog Posts
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
(Colossians 3:2)
Worry, Fear, and Anxiety
Worry, fear, and anxiety can cripple us. It can become so defeating in our lives. It can lead to despair. But God’s grace gives us what we need to overcome.
Grace and Grief
I fear that most of us try to avoid grief in our lives, but is that really what God wants us to do? I don’t think so. I think God wants to give us the grace to grieve and feel the losses we experience in our lives.
Are We Really Supposed to Follow Jesus?
It is very popular to say the Christian life is all about following Jesus. That might be how the disciples lived during Jesus’ earthly ministry, but things changed for them after the cross. They’ve changed for us to.
Stop Rededicating Your Life to Christ
Rededicating your life to Christ is a popular teaching in a lot of Christian circles, but Christianity is not about your dedication to Him, it’s about His dedication to you.
Book Review: Stunned by Grace by Frank Friedmann
Frank Friedmann’s book, Stunned by Grace, is a thoughtful and comprehensive look at God’s grace. In this book review, we dive into more specifics found in the book and how it’s helped me grow in grace. It truly is stunning how good God’s grace really is!
Co-Resurrection with Christ
Easter changes everything. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, King, and Savior. But we often forget that we’ve also been resurrected with Him too and that changes everything for us now, not just one day in the future!
Good Friday Means You Have Complete and Total Forgiveness
Most Christians know that Jesus died for our sins on Good Friday but still struggle with wondering how forgiven we really are. Know the good news today that you are completely and totally forgiven.
Because of the Cross, You Died to Yourself as Your Source
Before you came to know Christ, you were the source of your life. It was up to you to earn an identity and produce meaning and purpose in your life. When you were crucified with Christ though, He became the Source for your life!
Because of the Cross, You Died to the Law
Your old self was crucified with Christ, and when you died, you died to the Law. You have been released from the bondage of the Law, and you now live in the new way of the Spirit.
Because of the Cross, You Died to the Power of Sin
When Jesus died on the cross and you were crucified with Him, you died to the power of sin. You no longer have a sin nature! If you walk by faith that this is true (which it is), you’ll experience the victory over sin that was purchased for you at the cross.
Because of the Cross, You Died
When Jesus died on the cross, you died with Him. Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live.” Knowing this truth will help us truly experience Christ in us and through us.
Palm Sunday and Missing Jesus
Palm Sunday seemed to be a day that people were recognizing Jesus for who He truly was, but a closer look reveals they were really missing it. Many of us are missing who Jesus really is as well.
Book Review: The Rest of the Gospel by Dan Stone and David Gregory
At one point in my life, I was struggling with the grace message and the things the Lord was beginning to reveal to me. But then I read this book, and the lights came on for me which changed my life!
When was the New Covenant Established?
Was the New Covenant established at Jesus’ birth or at His death and why does it matter? Well, it makes all the difference when studying the words of Jesus and how they apply to us today!
Best Books on Grace
The best books on grace tell the full gospel message. They communicate that we receive complete forgiveness in Christ, that we died with Him and have been made alive in Him. Here are 10 of the best books that tell the full gospel message of grace.
In this blog post, I explore the differences between the Old Covenant and New Covenant. Understanding these differences has changed my life and the way I live the Christian life, and I think it will do the same for you.
Why is the New Covenant such a Big Deal?
What is the big deal about the New Covenant? Because if we try to live our lives according to the Old Covenant we will be met with frustration, failure, and fear. The Christian life will not work.
3 Powerful Lessons in The Parable of the Prodigal Son
The Parable of the Prodigal Son may be the most famous parable that Jesus told, but don’t miss these 3 powerful lessons that can make a real difference in your walk with God.
Measuring Your Life
I hear popular Christian speakers talk all the time about measuring how we are living the Christian life. But Paul has some strong words for this kind of thing in Colossians 3. The bottom line is that you don’t have to measure how you are doing to determine success in the Christian life.
Parable of the Wedding Feast Meaning
The Parable of the Wedding Feast has to do with honor, respect, status, and significance. Jesus says that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, but those who humble themselves will be exalted. What did He mean by that?