Blog Posts
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
(Colossians 3:2)
Encourage One Another and Build One Another Up
The words we say can have a powerful impact on one another. As believers, we are told to encourage and build one another up. That is not a work of our own but of the Spirit dwelling in us and expressing His Life through us.
Jesus: The Bread of Life - Finding True Satisfaction in Christ
When Jesus said, "I am the bread of life" what did he mean? How does Jesus as the bread of life apply to our lives? While physical bread may satisfy us temporarily, Jesus as the bread of life provides eternal satisfaction.
The Grace to Love Your Enemies
Dealing with enemies can be one of the most difficult things many of us face in our lives. How can we really be expected to love our enemies the way Jesus tells us to? The short answer: God's grace. He is your Source.
Satan and Temptation
Satan is constantly trying to tempt us to sin and settle for something less than God’s best for our lives. Often times that temptation is strong, and it feels like there’s no way out. But there is always a way out.
What is the Christian Life?
What is the Christian life? The Bible is a big book. That’s a lot of information to digest, but as we look at Scripture, we find that the Christian life can be simplified down to three main things.
Rethinking Your Spiritual Report Card
If God were giving out grades on a spiritual report card, what grade do you think you’d have? What would you base your answer on? What if the answer is better than you think?
How To Deal with Anxiety as a Christian
Scripture passages on the topic of anxiety are the most searched for verses in all of the Bible. Dealing with anxiety is hard, but Jesus teaches us how we can overcome this struggle in our lives.
I Am The Light of The World
In John 8:12, Jesus said I Am the light of the world. What did He mean by that? Jesus was proclaiming His deity, but he was also saying that He reveals God, exposes the darkness, and brings transformation by bringing us from death to life!
The Real Meaning of 2 Chronicles 7:14
Many people today use 2 Chronicles 7:14 as the way to find moral, economic, and political healing for our country. But that is not what this verse means. What is the real meaning of 2 Chronicles 7:14?
Church Consumerism
In our hyper-consumerist society, it's easy to fall into the trap of viewing church through the same lens we use for everything else in life. But is this the way God intended for us to engage with His body of believers?
Finding Comfort in God’s Wisdom and Omniscience
There is a lot that I don’t understand in this world and why certain things happen…especially bad things. But I find great comfort in knowing that God is all knowing and all wise to make decisions for our good and his glory.
I Am The Beloved of God
Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of our salvation is that God becomes our Father and we become a beloved child of God! This is your primary identity.
What I Learned on Vacation about God
Last week my family and I went on vacation. It was our first cruise ever. We had such a great time, but I also learned a few things about God that I think you’ll appreciate just as much as I did.
Pleasing God vs. Trusting God
What would you do if you faced a fork in the road and had to choose between pleasing God and trusting God? This is the premise of the book The Cure. I learned so much from it, and in this blog post I share some of those things and hope they help you too!
The Greatest Commandment
In Matthew 22, Jeus says the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul. But does commanding someone to love them really produce genuine love? No. So, what are we to think about the greatest commandment and how it applies to our lives today?
Grace and Parenting
How does God’s grace impact our parenting? It changes everything! As we trust in His grace, we will build trust with our kids as they grow and mature.
Religion vs. Grace
Are you living the Christian life by religious activity or are you living by grace? Which one should you be living it by? Here are a few ways that you can spot religion or grace in your life.
How to Find Rest
Have you ever gotten back from a vacation and thought that you needed a vacation from the vacation? We long to find rest, and even when we get away, we still can’t seem to find true rest. But Jesus shows us how to find and experience true rest.
No Condemnation in Christ
Many of us wear masks to cover up our insecurities, fears, sins, guilt, and shame. Hiding is lonely, tiresome, and leaves us in shallow relationships. The good news is that there is no condemnation for those in Christ! Come out of hiding today!
Faith in Times of Uncertainty
Sometimes life can be so uncertain and leave us feeling fearful, anxious, stressed, and worried. How do we live by faith in times of uncertainty? The author of Hebrews tells us how.