Blog Posts
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
(Colossians 3:2)
Fruit of the Holy Spirit Meaning
In Galatians 5:22 we read about what the fruit of the Spirit is, but how is it supposed to work in our lives?
Am I Really Saved?
A lot of us doubt our salvation when someone presents the gospel from the perspective of Lordship Salvation. What is Lordship Salvation? And how do I know if I am really saved?
You are the New Holy of Holies
Sometimes we might think that God comes to dwell in us and must be really disappointed in His new home, but this is not what God thinks. You are the new Holy of Holies.
Why do God’s Commands Feel Burdensome?
God says that his commands are not burdensome (1 John 5:3), but why does it feel like sometimes they are?
God’s Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence
God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. But what do those things even mean and what does that have to do with you?
July 4, Patriotism, and Identity in Christ
How do we celebrate our freedom as American citizens in such a way that we don’t compromise our primary citizenship being in heaven?
How to Overcome Attacks from the Enemy
The enemy is constantly looking to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to devour you. You must be ready to overcome his attacks if you want to experience the abundant life you have in Christ.
Nicodemus Encounters Jesus
When Nicodemus encountered Jesus, he was completely baffled by what Jesus told Him. What he told him though has tremendous implications for our lives today.
Kingdom Impact through Ordinary People
When reading about the apostles in Acts it can seem like they are super Christians and leave us feeling pretty ordinary. But make no mistake, God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Is Christ your Lord or your Life?
All Christians know Christ as their Savior. Many know Him as their Lord? But how many know Christ as their Life? More importantly, do you know Christ as your Life?
How to Overcome Temptation
Sometimes temptation can feel so overwhelming that there seems to be no way out, but there is always a way out. Paul shows us how to overcome temptation in Ephesians 6.
Grace is Not Passive
If Jesus puts Himself in us to live His life through us, then doesn’t that mean the Christian life is a life of passivity? NO!
Stop Trying to Fix Your Spouse
Want a better, more fulfilling, satisfying marriage? Then quit trying to fix your spouse and instead focus on the Life you have in Christ and how that plays out practically in marriage.
Worry, Fear, and Anxiety
Worry, fear, and anxiety can cripple us. It can become so defeating in our lives. It can lead to despair. But God’s grace gives us what we need to overcome.
Grace and Grief
I fear that most of us try to avoid grief in our lives, but is that really what God wants us to do? I don’t think so. I think God wants to give us the grace to grieve and feel the losses we experience in our lives.
Are We Really Supposed to Follow Jesus?
It is very popular to say the Christian life is all about following Jesus. That might be how the disciples lived during Jesus’ earthly ministry, but things changed for them after the cross. They’ve changed for us to.
Stop Rededicating Your Life to Christ
Rededicating your life to Christ is a popular teaching in a lot of Christian circles, but Christianity is not about your dedication to Him, it’s about His dedication to you.
Book Review: Stunned by Grace by Frank Friedmann
Frank Friedmann’s book, Stunned by Grace, is a thoughtful and comprehensive look at God’s grace. In this book review, we dive into more specifics found in the book and how it’s helped me grow in grace. It truly is stunning how good God’s grace really is!
Co-Resurrection with Christ
Easter changes everything. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, King, and Savior. But we often forget that we’ve also been resurrected with Him too and that changes everything for us now, not just one day in the future!
Good Friday Means You Have Complete and Total Forgiveness
Most Christians know that Jesus died for our sins on Good Friday but still struggle with wondering how forgiven we really are. Know the good news today that you are completely and totally forgiven.